Vom 17.02. bis zum 18.02.2022 findet die Sitzung der GOR-AG „Game Theory & Behavioral Management Science“ in Kön statt:
Dear colleagues,
we kindly invite you to the third working group meeting taking place 17th – 18th of February 2022 at the University of Cologne.
The workshop starts Thursday after lunch and ends Friday afternoon. The working group aims at fostering collaboration and state-of-the-art research at the interface of behavioral management science and behavioral & algorithmic game theory. Targeted research fields include management, economics, computer science, mathematics and other related fields considering game-theoretical approaches. The relevant methodology incorporates cooperative and non-cooperative game theory as well as experiments and field studies.
Registration: To register, please contact Stephanie Rauscher (Stephanie.Rauscher@Uni-Koeln.de) by January 14th. If you would like to present your work, please send the title and the abstract along with the registration. There is no participation fee for GOR members, speakers (incl. lightning talks), and members of the hosting institution. All other participants will be charged 100 € which is equivalent to the annual membership fee of the GOR. Please indicate in your registration if you are GOR member.
Further Information and a detailed schedule will follow end of January.
Kind regards,
Nicolas Fugger