Sitzung der GOR AG „Prognoseverfahren“
SAVE THE DATE *** 10. & 11.04.2025 @ SAP in MUNICH
The next meeting of the working group on forecasting methods of the German OR Society (GOR) will be held on Thu & Fri 10th – 11th April 2025 on the kind invitation by SAP at their new SAP Labs Munich in Garching (close to Munich).
The event will be free-of-charge to all GOR members and for a small fee to non-members. More details to follow on the GOR website and on Meetup
Would you like to speak at the event? Please send your proposal with title, short abstract and your contact details to
We look forward to seeing many of you there!
GOR AG Leitung
Sven F. Crone
Hans-Georg Zimmermann