Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science
April 27-28, 2017
Göttingen, Germany
The first „Clausthal-Göttingen International Workshop on Simulation Science“ aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to report on the latest advances in simulation science. The workshop considers the broad area of modeling & simulation with a focus on
- Simulation and optimization in networks
- Simulation of materials
- Distributed simulations and high-performance computing
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts (2-3 pages). All accepted abstracts are scheduled for presentation at the workshop.
Authors of accepted abstracts are invited to submit full papers for the post-workshop proceedings that will be published by Springer; probably in the Lecture Notes on Computer Science (LNCS).
There will be several plenary talks at the workshop. So far the following speakers are confirmed:
- Kai Nagel, TU Berlin
- Samuel Forest, Mines ParisTech CNRS
Submission of abstracts:
January 20, 2017