Ort: Wien, Österreich


The University of Vienna is very pleased to host the 84th Meeting of the EURO Working Group on Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding and extends a warm welcome to all the participants. The meeting will take place from September 22nd to 24th at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics.
The overall topic of this meeting is From Axioms to Applications: Bridging the gap between theory and practice in MCDA. In accordance with this topic, we invite you to contribute papers that discuss new theoretical and methodological developments and their possible applications, as well as papers on practical applications of new methods, or applications that can stimulate new theoretical development.

In addition to the established methods and application areas of multiple criteria decision aid, we also look for papers exploring the relationship of MCDA to related areas like group decisions or decisions under risk and uncertainty, and papers that deal with the application of MCDA in new and innovative areas. Following the tradition of the working group, we particularly encourage to submit and present not only papers resulting from completed research projects, but also papers describing ongoing research and work in progress.

The organizers can also be contacted at mcda2016@univie.ac.at (main organizer – Rudolf Vetschera).

Submission of abstracts: June 17, 2016