
Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy MOG 2024

We are pleased to announce the fourth edition of the international conference „Mathematics of Gas Transport and Energy MOG 2024″ on October, the 10th and 11th, 2024, in Regensburg, Germany.

The two-day conference aims at connecting leading experts in applied mathematics with leading stakeholders from the industry and the public sector that are concerned with the transition of the energy system. It aims at stimulating fruitful discussions between academic partners and representatives from other sectors on today´s broad challenges in the energy sector, taking into account the transition from natural gas to hydrogen networks, its coupling with electricity, and related topics. More information and registration (until 15 July 2024) is available under https://www.trr154.fau.de/mog2024/.

The conference is organized by the German Collaborative Research Center TRR154 („Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimization using the Example of Gas Networks“) funded by the German Science foundation, see https://www.trr154.fau.de/trr-154-en/.

Regensburg is located at the Danube’s northernmost point, in between the Gäuboden region and the two low mountain ranges Fränkische Jura and Bayerischer Wald. The international airports Nuremberg and Munich are only a 60 minute drive away. Due to its unique status as „the only authentically preserved large medieval city in Germany“ the Old Town Regensburg with Stadtamhof“ was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2006.

For earlier editions of the conference, see https://mog2.zib.de/index.html and
(organized together with the Marie-Curie ITN MINOA and the ADA Lovelace Center)

30th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF)

We cordially invite researchers and practitioners to participate in the 30th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF) organized by the Department of Finance of RWTH Aachen University between September 26 and 28, 2024 

Call for Papers

We invite submissions of recent research papers. Guidelines for the submission are:

  • Submissions are only accepted through the online submission system (https://www.conftool.net/dgf2024/index.php?page=submissions).
  • The submission period is from February 01, 2024, to April 30, 2024 (midnight, CET).
  • Submissions are subject to a double-blind review process. Thus, papers have to be submitted in an anonymous format (no reference(s) to author(s) or affiliation(s)).
  • Only full papers in English are considered for review. Papers should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 120 words.
  • Submissions accepted for presentation are also eligible for a special issue of the Journal of Business Economics comprising among other things Stefan Nagel’s keynote speech (see separate call on the Journal homepage; independent submission required, this is not an official publication outlet of the DGF)

For all necessary information (including location, accommodation, etc.) please visit www.dgf2024-conference.de.

On September 26, 2024, RWTH Aachen University will host several events, including a doctoral workshop and a Women-in-Finance event. Beginning in the early afternoon at about 3:00 pm, all participants are invited to join: 

  • a Women-in-Finance keynote speech by Mila Getmansky Sherman (University of Massachusetts Amherst, Isenberg School of Management),
  • a Meet-the-Editors session with Thierry Foucault (HEC Foundation Chaired Professor of Finance) and Stefan Nagel (Fama Family Distinguished Service Professor of Finance at the University of Chicago, Booth School of Business),
  • a practitioners’ talk on asset management.

We are looking forward to welcoming all participants to the get-together starting at 7:00 pm and hope for strong participation in the Thursday events. For more information on the Women-in-Finance and doctoral workshops, please visit www.dgf2024-conference.de.

On September 27 and 28, 2024, the School of Business Studies of FH Aachen will host about 30 sessions and a poster session, featuring the presentations of approximately 95 research papers. We are particularly proud to announce that this year’s keynote speech will be delivered by Stefan Nagel. Following the keynote, participants will have the opportunity to join a city tour of the beautiful and historic city of Aachen, followed by the conference dinner at City Hall Aachen.

The best paper and the best paper exclusively written by a PhD student will both be awarded prizes.

This year’s conference will include the following special sessions:

Deutsche Bundesbank Session on Banking Supervision & Regulation:

Topics to be addressed in this dedicated session include the linkages between bank and non-bank financial intermediaries, credit, sovereign and ESG risk, deposit stability and liquidity risk, interest rate risk and asset/liability management, stress testing and risk models, systemic risk and financial stability, as well as big data and machine learning in financial regulation.

VR-Bank eG  Region Aachen Session on Household Finance and Retail Banking:

This dedicated session centers around research related to the financial decision-making of private households. The topics covered include consumer behavior in retail banking, financial inclusion, literacy, and accessibility, technological innovations in personal finance, household expectations regarding economic issues, household consumption and saving behavior, as well as behavioral economics in household finance.

Session on Stochastic Finance and Statistics:

The dynamic nature of financial markets and the inherent yet changing risks, ranging from systemic to asset-specific risks, require reliable and sophisticated methods to support the management of risk exposures and mitigation of financial risks. Therefore, this session is dedicated to exploring how one can measure, detect, surveil, and infer changes in the stochastic structure of financial data and risks.

Session on Behavioral and Experimental Finance:

Behavioral perspectives are now being integrated into various fields to enhance our understanding of decision-making and market outcomes. Experiments have become a popular method for causally studying these behavioral questions. This session aims to bring together work from all fields of finance where research is conducted with a behavioral perspective and/or through experimental methods. The goal is to better understand when behavioral approaches are necessary to accurately describe behavior and when such descriptions can be based on standard assumptions.

Early bird registration for conference participation is from May 1 to July 31, 2024. Late registration starts September 1 and is available until September 20, 2024.

We are looking forward to an interesting conference and to welcoming you to Aachen!

Kind regards,

Wolfgang Breuer                           Andreas Knetsch                   Philipp Schmitz                                       
Peter Letmathe                             Lisa Spantig                          Ansgar Steland

KOI 2024

International Conference on Operational Research (KOI) brings together scientists and academics as well as practitioners from various aspects of OR with the aim of establishing contacts network, presenting research ideas and sharing the most valuable experiences.

The conference is organized by Croatian Operational Research Society (CRORS) in cooperation with Faculty of Economics Business and Tourism, University of Split, as co-organizer. The conference KOI 2024 will be held on September 25-27, 2024.

Further information can be found here: https://hdoi.hr/koi-2024/ .

CO@Work: Computational Optimization at Work 2024

The summer school CO@Work 2024 will be held from September 16 to 27, 2024, at Zuse Institute Berlin and is organized jointly by TU Berlin, HTW Berlin, and Zuse Institute Berlin, and co-sponsored by GOR, Forschungscampus MODAL, I²DAMO, Gurobi, and FICO. This block course addresses everyone interested in the use of computational optimization and mathematical programming in concrete applications from practice, in particular advanced masters students, PhD students, and post-docs. CO@Work2024 will be the seventh incarnation of this workshop series, and the fifth one being held in Berlin.

Application is open now until we reach the capacity limit, latest on June 1, 2024.

The registration fee will be 100 EUR per participant, waived for students from Berlin universities. The language of the course is English.


We will start with an opening session and welcome reception on Monday. The other days will follow the template schedule with lectures in the morning and hands-on exercises in the afternoon. The day of the excursion during the second week is still tentative. Examinations for all students that wish to obtain an ECTS certificate will be held one week after the summer school, on-site for students from Berlin universities and remotely for other participants.

Monday, September 16History of Operations Research and Mathematical Optimization
Tuesday, September 17Fundamentals of Linear Programming and Modelling
Wednesday, September 18Fundamentals of Mixed Integer Programming
Thursday, September 19Advanced Mathematical Optimization
Friday, September 20Interactive Optimization and Learning
Saturday, September 21Computational Challenge
Sunday, September 22Day off
Monday, September 23Applied Machine Learning and Optimization
Tuesday, September 24Excursion
Wednesday, September 25Energy Systems
Thursday, September 26Traffic and Logistics
Friday, September 27Industry Day and Closing Session

Further pieces of information can be found under https://co-at-work.zib.de/ .

Behavioural OR Summer School 2024

The EURO Working Group on Behavioural OR (EWG-BOR) is organising a EURO PhD School in Vienna, September 16th–20th, 2024 funded by The Association for European OR Societies (EURO) and EWG-BOR.

EWG-BOR was established in January 2017 as a platform for academics, teachers and practitioners interested in behavioural OR (BOR). Behavioral Operations research (BOR) studies how human behaviour, cognition and emotions affects, and is affected by, OR-related activity, and how to use this understanding to improve OR practice and education. This is a new emerging area in OR which  is receiving growing interest. The  main activities of EWG-BOR include the organization of dedicated streams in EURO and IFORS conferences, workshops, PhD schools, as well as a regular online seminar series. To date, these activities have been extremely well attended. 

The summer school  is a great opportunity to learn about BOR concepts and the different ways to conduct BOR studies. It will bring together international students and researchers with different backgrounds and research interests, fostering interdisciplinarity and networking. Previous summer schools on BOR  (see e.g. http://bor.aalto.fi/summerschool.html) have been very successful and people have made valuable contacts there.

The univie: summer school Behavioural Operations Research 2024 will offer participants the opportunity to learn about BOR concepts and the different ways to conduct BOR studies. It will bring together researchers with different expertise and research interests, fostering interdisciplinarity and networking opportunities that are particularly valuable for young scholars. In addition, participants will receive 5 ECTS credits for successful completion of the summer school.

Link: https://bor.univie.ac.at/bor-summer-school-2024/