Publishing high-quality innovative research in OR is challenging. Early-career researchers and Ph.D. students often struggle to publish their papers in top OR journals. We are offering a new workshop to help early-career researchers work on their current papers in all areas of OR, including Scheduling, Packing, Routing, and more. You will learn good practices and essential writing skills. The workshop will provide step-by-step coverage of the key elements of successful publications and guide in developing the participants’ manuscripts into successful submissions for a top OR journal. As a by-product of this workshop, participants will intensify their networking and enable them to build international research collaboration.
The workshop will take place as satellite event of the EURO conference 2025 in Leeds. Participants can easily combine both events and avoid additional travel costs.
– Two-day workshop right before the EURO 2025: University of Leeds: 20 – 21 June 2025
– Short presentations on the scientific writing of OR papers, structured according to the core components of a paper.
– Interactive / mentored writing sessions and discussions
– Networking lunches and dinners
– Limited workshop capacity!
More information and registration: