Practice of Mathematical Optimization

The working group’s objective is to promote mathematical optimization and its application in real world situations. It encourages and supports the communication and exchange of ideas among practitioners in industry, researchers, and commercial solution providers.

deutsche Version

Next Meetings (last update: February 9th, 2025):

The 109th meeting entitled with Global Optimization will take place on March, 27th & 28th, 2025 in physics center Bad Honnef. Interested speakers are invited to contact the organizers. Further details can be found in the invitation. You can register for the meeting here.

The 110th meeting entitled with Delivering the Future – OR and AI in Last-Mile Logistics in Berlin by Delivery Hero is being rescheduled to Autumn 2025. Further information follow in May 2025. Interested speakers may contact the group leaders with proposals for presentations.


If interested, please sign up for the e-mail mailing list here.

Purpose of this GOR working group

The working group focuses on:

  • Reports on experience about practical applications of algorithms and software in the area of mathematical optimization.
  • Presentations about software tools used to solve real world optimization problems, e.g., modeling systems, modeling languages, and solvers.
  • Theoretical aspects relevant to solve real world optimization problems, e.g., model classes, algorithmic features, pre-solving techniques, new technologies, trends in the optimization community.
  • Mathematical models and classes of models used in certain applications fields, e.g., transport, supply chain, cutting stock.
  • Discussion about architectures and IT systems environment used to solve real world optimization problems, e.g., PCs, workstations, mainframes, parallel architectures (parallel clusters, SharedMemory, GRID).

The working group directors organize two meetings or workshops per year: one in spring hosted by an industrial company, and another one in autumn in the conference center of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft in Bad Honnef (Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Hauptstr. 5, 53604 Bad Honnef, Germany) 20 minutes away from Cologne international airport. One of the annual meetings, usually the autumn meeting, has more the character of a scientific symposium. From the 71st, 76th and 78th workshop two books and one special issue of the Computational Management Science emerged as publication:

Josef Kallrath (Editor), Modeling Languages in Mathematical Optimization, Kluwer, 2004, ISBN 1-4020-7547-2 (71st Symposium).

Josef Kallrath, Panos Pardalos, and Steffen Rebennack (Editors), Computational Management Sciences, Springer, 2008, Volume 5. (76th Symposium).

Josef Kallrath, Panos Pardalos, Steffen Rebennack, and Max Scheidt (Editors), Optimization in the Energy Industry, Springer, 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-88964-9 (78th Symposium).

Averaged over 10 years we registered about 40 to 60 participants per workshop, and we are happy that about 30 to 50% are industrial participants. The working group has an international focus reflected in the increasing number of participants from foreign countries among them Austria, Brazil, Great Britain, Japan, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and United States.

As the workshops usually start on a Thursday morning or early afternoon and lasts until Friday late afternoon or early evening they provide enough time for intense discussions and exchange of ideas among the participants. Especially, the Physikzentrum in Bad Honnef provides an ideal atmosphere for getting together during the conference dinner in the local wine cellar. Part of the official program is usually a visit and a guided tour through the Adenauer Haus in Rhöndorf, the private house of our first chancelor of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The various hosts among them ABB Forschungszentrum Deutschland (Ladenburg), BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany), Procom GmbH (Aachen), and Siemens AG (Munich), as well as psb intralogistics GmbH (Pirmasens), Lufthansa Systems Berlin GmbH (Berlin) and TNT (Duiven, The Netherlands), always add some new individual spirit to the conference, e.g., a guided tour through Aachen cathedral’s treasury, the various laboraties of ABB or BASF SE, the design workshops of psb, or the hub of TNT.

Applied Real World Optimization also targets to have optimal workshops and to have the participants to return during the next workshop. Indeed, there is an increasing list of participants which have been regular show-ups over the last 10 years.

If interested, then please sign up for the e-mail mailing list here.

Previous Meetings:

The list of our previous meetings can be found here.

Registrations to working group meetings, workshops and symposia should be sent directly to the working group directors.



Dr. Jens Schulz
Fair Isaac Germany GmbH
Fontaneweg 15
16547 Birkenwerder
E-Mail: schulz-gor(at)


Prof. Dr. Julia Kallrath
Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften
Hochschule Darmstadt
Schöfferstr. 3, 64295 Darmstadt
Tel.: 06151 – 533 67738
E-Mail: julia.kallrath(at)


Prof. Dr. Josef Kallrath
Scientific Consultant
67273 Weisenheim am Berg
E-Mail: josef.kallrath(at)



Former Presidents:


2002 – 2018
Prof. Dr. Josef Kallrath
Scientific Consultant
E-Mail: josef.kallrath(at)



1993 – 2001
Prof. Dr. Uwe Suhl


Former Vice-Presidents:


2016 – 2018
Dr. Jens Schulz
Fair Isaac Germany GmbH
Fontaneweg 15
16547 Birkenwerder
E-Mail: schulz-gor(at)



2012 – 2016
Prof. Dr. Steffen Rebennack
till 2017: Colorado School of Mines, USA
since 2017: KIT, Institute für Operations Research
Karlsruhe, Germany



2003 – 2013
Prof. Dr. Alexander Lavrov
University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Standort Pirmasens
Carl-Schurz-Str. 10-16
66953 Pirmasens
Tel.: +49 (0)6331 2483-56
Fax: +49 (0)6331 2483-44
